Telling Time 1
Haris: 5 Years
Haris dah boleh baca jam by hour dan half an hour. Masih belum tahu minit dan saat. Pukul 3. Pukul 3.30. But I never really properly introduced him about time. So, we discussed about seconds this morning. Macamana jarum saat tu pusing, cukupkan satu pusingan sebanyak 60 kali dan jarum panjang akan bergerak and told him that was minute and when the minute cukupkan satu pusingan pula, jadi jam.
Penguin from Making Learning.
Put students in pairs. Use the timer. One student counts how many times their partner can clap in ten seconds. Then reverse the roles and do it again.
Jog in place for one minute. Is a minute longer or shorter than a second? The minute hand goes around one time each minute.
Now show your students that you are setting a timer for one hour. That means that the minute hand will go around sixty times. Ask them to predict what they will be doing when the timer goes off. Write down some predictions.