Montessori Notes
Do things for himself in Second Plane
“Also, his mentality being entirely different from that of the child, he might explain things in which the child is not interested and leave unexplained just those things the child wants to know.…
Waktu Berpantang juga Waktu Simbiotik Ibu dan Anak
Nota Biasa bila dengar pantang bersalin, waktu berpantang, 40 hari ke 44 hari ke, fokus mesti kepada si Ibu. Untuk berikan masa rehat, untuk berikan masa pulih ibu setelah mengandungkan bayi selama 9…
Newborn Drastic Change
“It should be noted that the newborn not only has to take on new functions, but that they have to be executed in an environment that is completely different from his former one.…
Life is a series of natural “separations” and “attachments”
Susulan dari pembacaan buku The Montessori Baby Isnin lepas. Ada disebut di dalam buku tersebut in order untuk dapat secure attachment, separation itu perlu. I didn’t look at this way sebelum ini. Sebelum…
Perbezaan kaedah Montessori
“Numerous methods of education exist today and it is difficult to become acquainted with all of them. The methodthat bears my name is generally seen as one of many, and because of this,…
Freedom within Limits
Ramai yang salah faham konsep Freedom dalam Montessori. Ramai yang fikir kanak-kanak bebas lakukan apa sahaja dalam kelas Montessori, pilih apa sahaja yang mereka nak. Tetapi jika kita observe kelas Montessori, iya kanak-kanak…
Role of Adult – Elementary
“But now at the second plane, the guide cannot disappear. Here the child absorbs not with the senses, but with the intelligence and the guide must be there to give food. Before, the…