AMI Certificate!
Alhamdulillah, I did it! Berjaya! Ya Allah. Habis tu rasa cam nak nangis (nangis dah pun). Seriously. It was an intensive 9 days. No, it was more. 9 days of full lectures &…
Memahami Geometric Cabinet
Sebab belajar sendiri kan untuk present ajaran-ajaran Montessori ni pada anak-anak, our pace is much slower. I’ve been stuck with this for a whole week now. Haha. Untuk Primary (3-6) Mula dengan…
Dapur Montessori Kami
This is currently our small area for the children in our kitchen. Nothing fancy. But it works for them. I just moved the toaster there just recently, Aqeel enjoys putting in bread, Kakak…
Montessori Kitchen / Dapur Montessori
Kita dah terbiasa, kalau di dapur, kanak-kanak dilarang masuk. Biasa kalau mula nak masak, kita buka tv, nah duk diam tengok tv, sebab tak nak mereka kacau kita tengah masak dan di dapur…
Tasting Bottles
Untuk develop deria rasa dan konsep 4 rasa asas; manis, masin, masam, pahit. Sequence: Pair Identifies and describes tastes Uses language to describe tastes in context
DIY Sound Cylinders / Sound Boxes
Aktiviti ni boleh mula dari umur 3-3.5 tahun: Tujuan Sound Cylinders adalah untuk: Mengasah auditory discrimination Develop deria pendengaran dengan mendedahkan anak-anak kepada pelbagai bunyi yang seterusnya develop kemahiran mendengar. Menambah baik kebolehan…
Earth Day Resources
7 Good Resources for Teaching and Learning About Earth Day Blog: Activities Active Ways to Celebrate Earth Day di Carrots are Orange 20 Earth Day Activities di Playdough to Plato Engaging Earth Day…