Language Presentations
- Objek: Sebenar
- Objek: Replika
- Objects with Matching Cards (ambil gambar barang sebenar sebolehnya gambar dan object saiz sebenar. :O)
- Objects with Similar Cards
- Nomenclature cards
- Books
- Rhythmic language with Poetry and Rhymes
- Self expression
- Questioning exercises
Objek Sebenar
- Art supplies: small water color set, brush, mini easel, eraser, pencil
- Bathing: wash cloth, sponge, soap, pouf
- Bathroom objects: plug, sponge, loofah, towel, face washer, shower cap, shampoo/conditioner bottles.
- Categories of Fruits, such as Apples: red delicious, gala, pink lady
- Categories of Vegetables, such as Potatoes: sweet, red, russet
- Cheeses
- Construction Materials: brick, wood, asphalt, concrete, steel
- Cat Care: leash, food bowl, grooming brush, collar
- Fabric: velvet, silk, cotton, burlap
- Flowers
- Fruits
- Garden Tools
- Hair Care: brush, comb, clip, mirror
- Herbs
- Kitchen tools: pots and pans, utensils
- Knitting or Crocheting: yarn, knitting needles, counter, gauge
- Leaves
- Nuts
- Office Supplies: note pad, pen with ink removed, clip, stapler, scissors
- Pasta: lasagna, manicotti, rigatoni
- Pine Branches: ponderosa, blue spruce, juniper – what is found in your area
- Pine Cones: blue spruce, ponderosa, Douglas fir – what is found in your area
- Reading: book, magazine, newspaper
- Rocks: sandstone, marble, lava – what is found in your area
- Sewing: needle, thread, pin cushion, etc.
- Shells
- Table Setting: plate, cup, spoon, fork, napkin
- Tooth Care:travel toothpaste glued shut, dental floss, toothbrush, travel mouthwash with safety packaging still intact
- Vegetables
- Whole spices: cinnamon stick, nutmeg, vanilla bean
- breads
- Vehicles: Water, Air, Land:school bus, mail truck, dump truck, etc.
- Animals: wild, local, forest, desert, pets, farm, insects, jungle, insects, zoo, reptiles
- Clothing: winter/snow, rain gear, summer, sleeping, beach, normal wear
- Hats
- Shoes
- Furniture Bathroom: toilet, bath tub, towel, etc., Bedroom: bed, lamp, dresser, etc., Living Room: couch, coffee table, arm chair, etc. (Doll house furnishings)
- Cleaning supplies: mop, broom, dustpan
- Musical instruments
- Carpentry tools
- Gardening tools
- Cleaning articles
- Animals; Amphibians, birds, butterflies, dogs, farm animals adults and juvenile, Mammals, pets, reptiles
- Around town
- At the Airport
- At the Seaside
- Birds
- Camping
- Dogs
- Fish
- Flowers
- Fruits
- Furniture
- Garden Flowers
- Garden tools
- In the Countryside
- In the Garden
- In the kitchen
- In the Night Sky
- In the Street
- Office tools
- On a Ferry
- On a Train Journey
- Orchestral instruments
- Popular instruments
- Professions
- Sports and Games
- Sports equipment
- Structures
- Tools
- Transportation
- Trees
- Utensils
- Vegetables
- Wild Flowers
- Working Vehicles