Great Lessons Input
“The Great Lessons are the framework – so you would tell them, leave time for follow-up work, repeating the demonstrations, etc. But then there is typically 1-2 weeks between each story — so you will have to go on to present other concepts. Math and language and music can start right away; the other subjects can too, but consider that the first lesson opens up the geography album; the second lesson opens up biology; the third opens up history. So perhaps wait to “start” those ones until the corresponding Great Lesson is told. This helps ease in to the other subject. The stories on math and language correlate with those albums, but don’t “open it up” because the children have already been working in those areas. The length of time of each story varies; but typically considerably less than an hour. You’ll tell the stories every year (and my son’s first two years, he heard them twice each year; now we review at the start of each year and he’ll review throughout the year in any random order).”
The Hand Chart a Montessori History Lesson
Contemplating Great Lesson
Deconstructing Cosmic
Cosmic Education
First Great Lesson
Great Lesson 1 Experiments on Laws of Universe