5 Kingdoms of Living Things (Resources)
Lesson 8.4 from Nur Suhaidah Sukor Sing. Reference Videos: Classifications of Living Things Protists Bacteria Lots of reference links Read: What are Kingdoms? 5 kingdoms of living things The Five…
Living Things: Habitat (Resources)
Explaining habitat Tunjuk gambar each habitat di NeoK12. Videos: Magic School Bus – All Dried Up Brainpop Ecosystems – Desert National Geographic Kids Games yang berkaitan Habitat yang Haris suka: Switch Zoo Animal…
Habitat: Desert (Resources)
Lesson Plan: Desert at Happy Homeschool Fakta Sains Dalam al-Quran Perlindungan haiwan daripada cuaca melampau from Huey Wee Perlindungan Hidup dalam Cuaca Melampau Perubahan Geologi Google Books Cari buku Camel Desert at Enchanted…
Kingdom Animalia: Phylum Mollusca
Shell Activities for Kids by Gift of Curiosity Seashell Identification Lesson Snails by Montessori Mom Montessori Coral Reef Field Guide Index Seashells Identification Seashells Identification Seashells Pictorial Seashells Lesson Plan Seashells – Links…
Living Things: Animal Tracks
Haris paling suka ni. Identify animal tracks. Read: Animal tracks: Preschool and kindergarten science activities Watch: Curious George on Animal Tracks Games: Track Quiz for Beginners Tracking Game More links: Usborne Quicklinks…
Sorting & Classifying Organisms
Week 2 of Science Day 1 I printed our own 3-part cards of all sorts of animals. *Tiada bukti gambar* Minta Haris susun gambar-gambar yang tiada nama, dan lepas tu minta dia letak…
Living & Non-Living Things
Mula dengan cerita tentang benda hidup dan bukan hidup. Tengok keliling dalam rumah dan tanya yang mana he thinks living and non-living. Since the only living things around us, is us, it was…
Living and Non-Living (Lesson Plan)
Science Week 1 Day 1 1. Take a walk outside. Explain there’re living and non-living things around us. Pick things up along the way. 2. Living things need food, water and air and…
Fire Safety
DAY 1 What is Fire and What Makes Fire? Need: 3 candles, match, playdoh, spray bottle with water, 1 metal tray, 1 mason jar. What is fire? Api ialah proses oksidasi pantas menghasil-kan cahaya, haba, asap,…
Experiment with Egg
Since I have a hard-boiled egg in the refrigerator, I thought that maybe we should try doing the bouncing ball experiment. While we’re at it, why not try the Naked Egg experiment! Then,…