Ajar cara handle buku
Montessori Read & Write oleh Lynn Lawrence sarankan mula ajar anak umur 2 tahun cara-cara handle buku dengan baik. Sebelum ni pernah baca dalam beberapa Montessori Album (lebih kurang pada manual) lesson ni,…
Ruang baca dirumah
Dalam buku Montessori Read & Write oleh Lynn Lawrence, salah satu persediaan awal untuk anak membaca dan menulis adalah sediakan satu ruang khas dalam rumah. Guna rak buku yang sama ketinggian dengan anak-anak…
Thailand: Resources
Thailand at National Geographic Thailand at TIME for Kids – has history timeline Thailand Foods Flags to color Blog: Expedition Thailand at Confession of a Homeschooler Notebooking Asian Elephant Exploring Thailand
Philippines: Resources
About Philippines at Kids National Geographic About Philippines at their local government website Money & Currency Lapbook
Vietnam Resources
Vietnam at National Geographic Vietnam at TIME for Kids – has history timeline Vietnam War Facts Vietnam Facts & History Great website for map printing Blog: Vietnam at Homeschool Journal
Sounds Game
Langkah-langkah dirumuskan oleh What Did We Do All Day: Aural preparation of the child (in addition to the usual vocabulary building, stories, poems, songs, etc., this means all levels of the sound game…
Spoken Language
From maitrilearning: Natural conversations Conversations at a picture Poetry (memorized) Songs (memorized) Books Reading classified books (e.g., At the Market) Reading literature (e.g., The Dot) True stories Listen & Do Furnishings & surroundings…
‘Grace & Courtesy’ dalam Montessori
Grace & Courtesy biasanya dipraktikkan dan diajar secara tak langsung semasa pretend play.
Surah al-Falaq dan Surah an-Naas
Quran Centre Work: Surah an-Nas dan Surah al-Falaq at A Muslim Child is Born Quran Curriculum: Surah an-Naas Project Selepas selesai baca dan study makna ayat-ayat kedua-dua surah ini, dapat disimpulkan: Kedua-dua surah ini…