Videos: How to Mandala a Mandala on Rock Printables: Free Rocks & Minerals Packet di Homeschool Den Experiments: How to make your own rocks Fun Testing Experiment
Paper Weaving Ideas
Weaving with Ribbons di Hands on We Grow dan Shapes Weaving Activity di Fun With Mama
Mixing Colors Resources
Rainbows di Trillium Montessori Color Mixing Science Experiment di Montessori by Hand Color Mixing Practical Life di Education of Ours Color Theory di Beautiful Sun Montessori Color Mixing di My Montessori Journey Color Mixing with Model Magic…
“Confronted with the question of natural disasters against which man is powerless, many scholars passionately devote themselves to the study of the hidden causes responsible for such phenomenon and should…
Continental Drift & Plate Tectonics
Map di atas ni yang saya guna untuk potong-potong dan perlu dipadankan semula. Tectonic Plates Map Earth Plates
Normalised & Deviated Child
“Experience has shown that normalisation causes the disappearance of many childish traits, not only those which are considered to be defects but also others which are generally thought to be virtues.” The Secret…
Minggu ini di Baytzuhr
Aqeel banyak main gini. Hari-hari dia akan main dengan kereta-kereta dan lego. Mula kenalkan Hana dengan Function of Words, The Articles & The Adjectives
3 Period Lesson
3 Period Lesson adalah kaedah Montessori bagi memperkenal perbendaharaan baru kepada kanak-kanak. Dinamakan 3 Period Lesson sebab ada 3 peringkat. Dalam persekitaran Montessori, kanak-kanak sentiasa diberi latihan bahasa bagi mengenal nama-nama objek di…
1st Great Lesson Follow Up: Volcano
This is more like this week’s roundup of our study on volcanoes. First day we discussed about the parts of the volcano. We used free 3 part cards and blackline from The Helpful…
1st Great Lesson Follow Up: Astronomy
Honestly, 1st great lesson was presented earlier this year. We didn’t get to do real follow ups. Now that we have more time settled down, I read briefly the first great lesson and…